Foreign Missions Trust
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Missionary work is something the Church has been engaged in since Christ gave His order to “Go, teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.”
It is this very command which animates the missionary activities of the Society of Saint Pius X, whose holy founder serves as an outstanding archetype. The SSPX is proud of its missions. They are the heritage of its founder’s heart. This concrete dimension of the Catholic Church is made possible every day because of the tireless spiritual and material support that you all give here in the United States to our missionaries spread throughout the world.
Important note concerning the direction of donations for the foreign missions and tax deductions
If you wish your donation to be used for a particular foreign mission, or even a specific project, please specify this in the Special Instructions field on the next page. The Trustees of the Foreign Missions Trust normally honor such donor requests, but it must be clear that, in order to be eligible for a tax deduction, each donation must be entirely at the disposal of the Trust to use as it sees fit for the foreign missions in general.
This is not tax advice and must not be construed as such. Please address all questions about your tax preparation to an attorney or certified public accountant.”