Brothers' Novitiate

  • $100.00

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So many young people are lost today, even among the faithful. They need the example of the brothers—their sacrifice, and their prayers. Through the constant sacrifice and prayer of the brothers, and through the sacraments administered by our priests, the SSPX assists the faithful in staying on the narrow path in the hopes that none lose their souls through sin and indifference to the Commandments.

As you may be aware, following the move of Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary to Virginia, the Brothers’ Novitiate assumed the prior seminary facilities in Winona, Minnesota. While the move will greatly facilitate the brothers’ formation, it does not come without costs. The facilities in Winona carry sizable overhead to maintain in addition to the brothers’ work and education.

The expenses for their education and formation are considerable. Your support is indispensable. Your donations help us stay afloat. Please consider a gift of $100, or even $50. Every penny counts!