In Partnership With Priests

  • $100.00

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Our priests, as you well know, travel throughout the country weekly offering Christ’s salvific sacraments, particularly the grace of absolution from sin and the traditional Latin Mass. This holy work often means for our clergy long hours on the road and in the air with little time for the rest and reflection to “recharge the batteries” that many of us take for granted. 

The SSPX’s apostolic work carries substantial material costs: health insurance, travel expenses for Mass circuits, district meetings and retreats for priests and brothers, seminary subsidies, and the myriad other administrative details that take place behind the scenes place a great financial weight upon the Society. 

Two years ago I reached out to you about a new program to assist the Society’s apostolate, “In Partnership with Priests.” Through this effort, we are humbly asking you to commit to a fixed donation to the SSPX each month. Just like you, I receive bills that arrive every day, month after month, year after year. They are always there, like an unwelcome shadow, reminding me of their ever-increasing demands on our limited funds. Because the needs of our priests are a constant and growing reality, I need a reliable source of funds to assure that these obligations are met.

Will you please join the supporters who have already committed to a monthly gift in support of the SSPX?

A recurring donation of $30, $60, or $75 is no more than the cost of a daily cup of coffee or of lunch or dinner out a few times a month, yet it will enable us to perform our work of “restoring all things in Christ” for the glory of God. Would you commit to sacrificing one cup of coffee per day for the priests who sacrifice so much every week to bring you the Blessed Sacrament?

In appreciation:

To show my thanks for your generosity in making a monthly commitment, a Mass will be said on the 1st Friday of each month for your intentions by the priests of the Regina Coeli House. 

Read the full appeal from US District Superior, Fr. Jürgen Wegner